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Synagóga pre verejnosť

synagóga trenčín

Synagóga v Trenčíne bola postavená ako miesto stretávania sa a preto by sme vás radi pozvali do jej nádherných zrekonštruovaných priestorov.

Trenčianska Synagóga je otvorená pre všetkých ľudí dobrej vôle počas letných mesiacov v týchto dňoch:

Pondelok  13.00 - 15.00

Piatok       13.00 - 15.00

Vstupné je dobrovoľné.

Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu.

Jews celebrate Hanukkah

The Feast of Lights or the Feast of the Rededication of the Jerusalem Temple. Hanukkah begins in Sunday evening. A new candle shines every evening on an eight-branch candlestick. The holiday itself refers to historical events connected with the victorious battle of the Maccabees over the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus-Epiphanes IV. These should have taken place in 167 BC.


Unforgotten neighbors

On Friday, September 9, 2022, the city of Trenčín joined the second year of the all-Slovak event called "Nezabudnuti susedia". At 10:00 a.m., sirens and bells rang out in the cities involved, which opened the commemoration ceremony on the occasion of the "Day of the Victims of the Holocaust and Racial Violence".


Orientation to the east and a separate female and male world. What is typical of synagogues?

The Trenčín Synagogue is one of the most remarkable works in Slovakia from the beginning of the 20th century. However, synagogues can be found in many other cities and states. It is true that each of them is unique and original. For example, in China you can see synagogues with pagoda roofs, in Oriental countries they resemble mosques, in Europe Romanesque or Gothic churches. Synagogues are diverse and their architecture often reflects the specifics of a given part of the world. You would not find two identical Jewish temples in Slovakia either. But what unites them?


We will be part of an unique publication

The Trenčín Synagogue is one of the buildings that will be part of an important publication. Hungarian Museum of Architecture in Budapest currently works on it. His representatives visited the Trenčín synagogue this week to document it photographically. "We are preparing a publication about synagogues in the former Kingdom of Hungary. It will include three synagogues in Slovakia, in Lučenec, Košice and Trenčín, "said art historian Ágnes Ivett Oszkó. They plan to release the work later this year.