About the project

The Trenčín Synagogue is one of the iconic buildings in Slovakia.

It is one of the most sought-after monuments in the regional town, which is admired by both domestic and foreign visitors. The Jewish religious community in Trenčín managed to obtain a contribution of 2 044 826 € from the EEA Grants and Norway Grants and the state budget of the Slovak Republic under the Culture Program for its renewal. Thanks to these funds, a rare historic building will be renovated, which will also open to the public in the form of a newly built cultural center. It will present the Jewish community, its culture, values ​​and history, which it will present to the general public.

The construction part of the project envisages the repair and replacement of damaged roofing, floors and new electrical wiring and windows. The walls in the interior will be restored and cleaned of secondary paints, which covered the original painting. The toilets will be completely renovated and the whole building will be secured.

After the construction work is completed, a cultural center will be established in the synagogue. Tourists will find a place of first contact in the entrance hall and a reading room in the women's gallery. The main hall will become a space, where various cultural events can be organized. In cooperation with the Jewish Cultural Institute, which is the Slovak partner of the project, an exposition of Jewish culture will be added to the synagogue. Trenčín, which is one of the modern and progressive cities with a strong cultural background, will gain another important space, which will be focused on a unique part of our culture and history.

The synagogue will become a place of cultural convergence, a place of tolerance and a bearer of a clear message in the fight against extremism and hate speech.


Basic information

  • Project title: Restoration, reconstruction and revitalization of the Synagogue in Trenčín
  • Recipient: Jewish community Trenčín


Project grant:  2 044 826 

  • EEA and Norway grants: 1 738 102 €
  • State budget of the Slovak Republic: 306 724 €
  • Co-financing of the Jewish community Trenčín: 252 731 €


Project partners  

  • Synagóga Trenčín, civic association
  • Jewish Cultural Institut, Bratislava
  • The Jewish Community (Det Mosaiske Trossamfund), Oslo


Project duration: July 2020 - April 2024