The Trenčín Synagogue experienced a historic moment in 2020 - it was included among the monuments that were supported by EEA Grants and the state budget. However, the funds obtained will not be enough for the complete reconstruction of this more than 100-year-old building. The total amount of eligible costs is one million euros, but thanks to the "Norwegian" project, we can only restore about half of the interior. The significant increase in the prices of building materials and works as a result of the pandemic made our entry position even more difficult, and we therefore had to cut back on our plans.
But we are convinced that the synagogue should shine again in its full beauty. It is a building not only with a unique architecture, but also with a strong story, which we want to show to the public in the future. After the renovation, these spaces are to serve as a cultural center, where concerts, exhibitions, workshops and many other events will take place. We will open our gates again and our goal is to make the synagogue a dignified stand for cultural events that will cross the borders of the regional city. However, we need your help for the complete reconstruction of the premises of this national cultural monument.
ŽNO Trenčín therefore publishes a public collection, the proceeds of which are intended for the restoration of the Trenčín synagogue. We believe that thanks to the contributions of people who value our history and architecture, we can restore this important monument to its dignity.
You can send your contributions to the account of the Jewish religious community: SK 23 1100 0000 0029 4604 9461. In the note, please state: Collection at the synagogue. If you decide to be on donor list, as well as your name.
The list of donors will be published and after the reconstruction we will make it available in the synagogue.
Thank you.