TV Markíza
Markíza Television included a report on the results of archaeological research in its broadcast on 10. September. You can watch the report here, starting at 55:10.
Markíza Television included a report on the results of archaeological research in its broadcast on 10. September. You can watch the report here, starting at 55:10.
The RTVS Morning News reported on the results of archaeological research on 10. September. You can watch it here. It starts at 44:22.
TA3 television included in its broadcast a story about results of archaeological research, which precedes the restoration of the synagogue. You can watch it here.
An article about the archeological survey in the synagogue also appeared in the print edition of the weekly My Trenčianske noviny, which was published on 7. September.
The TASR press agency wrote an article about archaeological research, which precedes the reconstruction of the synagogue from the EEA Grants and the state budget.
You can read the article here.
Trenčín Región, newspaper published by the Regional Tourism Organization, writes about the planned reconstruction of the synagogue in its summer issue. You can browse it here.
An article about the restoration of the synagogue appeared in the July issue of the Historická Revue.
The restoration of the Trenčín synagogue also has an international dimension. The website also informs about it.
You can read the article here.
Trenčiansky Terajšok informs about the project of restoring the synagogue in Trenčín on its website and also on Facebook, where a live broadcast from the press conference also appeared. You can watch it here.
An article about the synagogue also appeared in the weekly Trečniansky Terajšok, published on 31 May 2021.
An article about the synagogue also appeared in the advertising and information weekly Pardon on Friday, 4. June 2021.